Thanks to laser treatments, it’s possible to safely address problems such as toenail fungus and plantar fasciitis pain without surgical intervention. Laser treatments are also beneficial in that they can relieve preoperative and postoperative pain. At Optima Foot and Ankle, with the convenient locations in Bend, Oregon, and Redmond, Oregon, expert podiatrists Laura Schweger, DPM, and Evan M. Ross, DPM, proudly offer laser treatments to address several podiatric problems. To request your appointment today, call the office nearest you or book online.
contact usWhat are podiatric laser treatments?
Laser treatments, also known as laser therapy, use specific wavelengths of light to encourage your body’s natural healing response. Laser treatments are completely noninvasive, meaning there are no sutures, stitches, or lengthy recovery periods involved. This means less downtime and quicker recovery.
At Optima Foot and Ankle, the team performs laser treatments as outpatient procedures. This allows you to return home on the same day as your appointment without a lengthy hospital stay.
Are there different types of laser treatments?
At Optima Foot and Ankle, you can access several types of laser treatments, including:
Lunulalaser® for toenail fungus
The Erchonia Lunulalaser® is a revolutionary, low-level laser therapy designed to treat pesky toenail fungus. It’s the only non-thermal cold laser that’s received FDA 510(k) approval to address onychomycosis. The treatment poses little overall risk and poses none of the risks associated with oral antibiotics or other laser treatments. Additionally, it’s entirely pain-free.
FX 635 laser for plantar fasciitis and heel pain
The FX 635 is another innovative laser treatment developed by Erchonia. The FX 635 uses low-level laser technology to ease heel pain and inflammation caused by conditions like plantar fasciitis and heel spurs. During treatment, the laser stimulates the muscles, ligaments, and nerves in your feet.
Your body absorbs the light, which relieves inflammation and, in turn, pain. You might also benefit from FX 635 laser therapy if you’re preparing to undergo surgery, or you’ve recently undergone surgery on your heel or foot. Research shows it effectively relieves preoperative and postoperative pain.
What type of podiatric laser treatment will I most benefit from?
Only a qualified podiatrist like those at Optima Foot and Ankle can determine the type of podiatric laser treatment you’ll most benefit from. Following a thorough exam of your feet and ankles, a discussion of your symptoms, and a review of your medical history, your provider can develop a custom treatment plan that aligns with your individual needs.
If you have toenail fungus, you might benefit from treatment with the Lunulalaser. If you’re suffering from heel pain, you’re probably a candidate for treatment with the FX 635 laser.
To learn more about the benefits of laser treatments, request an appointment at Optima Foot and Ankle today by calling the office nearest you or booking online at any time.