Summertime is getting close! Whether you’re digging out your running shoes, planning on having fun in the sun at the beach, or planning a warm-weather hike, you rely on your feet for summertime activities.
Summer plans and situations can also place a lot of stress on your feet. If you develop a foot problem, such as blisters, a fungal infection, or even a sprained or twisted ankle, it can really put a kink in your summer plans.
At Optima Foot and Ankle in Bend, Oregon, Evan M. Ross, DPM, and Laura Schweger, DPM, can help you avoid troublesome foot conditions this spring and summer. In this blog, they explain how you can keep your feet healthy.
Choose the right footwear
The best way to prevent foot injuries and uncomfortable issues, such as blisters, is to make sure you have the right footwear for your activities. Walking a long way in flip-flops or going barefoot at a public pool could result in calluses, blisters, or a nasty case of athlete’s foot.
Use hiking boots or good athletic shoes if you’re going for a hike, run, or long walk. And, if you’re doing any heavy remodeling or gardening projects this summer, make sure to put on hard-topped shoes, so you can protect your feet from accidents and injuries.
Check your footwear for wear and tear as well. If your shoes are worn out or show signs of uneven wear, get new gear. And break in new shoes slowly, or you could end up developing uncomfortable blisters or calluses.
Take time for foot care
When you’re on the run with summer plans, it can be easy to skip out on taking time to pay attention to your feet. But, an ounce of prevention can be worth a pound of cure when it comes to podiatry issues, such as corns, calluses, and athlete’s foot.
Friction from moving around can cause calluses or corns to form on your feet. Severe corns and calluses can even start to change your foot shape. You can get rid of calluses with regular, gentle debridement. Professional treatment options are also available.
In order to protect your feet from fungal infections, such as toenail fungus and athlete’s foot, never go barefoot in public areas, especially in damp or humid places. Always wear pool shoes when heading out for a swim, and wash your feet thoroughly at least once a day.
Get podiatry care when needed
No matter how prepared you may be, accidents and unforeseen circumstances are an inevitability. If you do end up with a foot or ankle injury or another podiatry problem this summer, get in touch with the team at Optima Foot and Ankle for diagnosis and treatment.
Our team offers a full range of foot products, including topical treatments for fungal infections, lotions and sprays, pain-relieving gel treatments, and more. For all of your podiatry needs, book an appointment online or over the phone with Optima Foot and Ankle today.