Podiatric ultrasound machines are used to assess and diagnose soft tissue pathology of tendons, muscles and ligaments.

These ultrasound systems are used effectively to evaluate viscosity of fluids, point of maximal intensity pain, strains/sprains, muscle tears and disruptions. They also guide injections and needle placement for biopsy.

Allows on the spot diagnosis sometimes negating the need and wait for a MRI.

Podiatric ultrasound machines are used to assess and diagnose soft tissue pathology of tendons, muscles and ligaments.

Ultrasound in Podiatry — Common Areas of Application:

  • Ultrasound-guided injections
  • Plantar fascia tears and inflammation
  • Neuromas
  • Achilles tendonitis, tears, and ruptures
  • Fibromas
  • Cysts
  • Ganglions
  • Bone injuries, contusions, fractures
  • Bursitis … retrocalcaneal, metatarsal, etc.
  • Ligament strains, tears, etc.
  • Peroneal, anterior tibial tendonitis, tears, and ruptures
  • Heel spurs
  • Muscle injuries
  • Periarticular swelling
  • Joint swelling and capsulitis
  • Foreign bodies